Monday, October 8, 2012

Not a victim

Hey friends, it has been brought to my attention that I have them living with the victim mindset. As humans I think it's easy for us to live under the gray cloak of victimization. But the fact is we were created to live in God's righteousness. I think this world wants us to cower in fear instead of living in freedom.
I think one of the biggest battles in our lives is our mind that is why God gives us the helmet of salvation and the breastplate of righteousness, along with the other pieces of armor. I know that sometimes it would be easier to quit but you ted to fight. The apostle Paul tells us to fight the good fight of faith… God didn't promise that life was going to be easy but he did promise us that he will go through it with us. We are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus we cannot move from victim to Victor without him it is impossible! Together let's come out of the victim mindset that this world is so easily enticed by.
God today and make the choice to take off the victim mindset and live under your righteousness! I thank you that you are in the business of setting people free and giving them your mind!  Amen 
 I love you God loves you, and you are formed for his use!

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